26/05/2017: ScotMoves – Springtime cattle movements

There are now 3,600 keepers registered on ScotMoves, who have recorded 7,900 additional holdings. Movements recorded on ScotMoves now exceed 220,000 – about 10,000 recorded movements each week since its launch on the 1st January 2017. Recording this information centrally on ScotMoves supports the whole beef industry by accurately recording where all Scottish cattle are currently located, now moved onto springtime grazing. The system aids disease control and eradication - such as BVD where the system accurately records the location of PI cattle. Many thanks are due to cattle farmers who are registered on ScotMoves for their continuing support and feedback, which helps us improve ScotMoves, to ensure the system meets the needs of the beef industry and Scottish Government.

25/05/2017: ScotMoves Automatic Calf Allocation

When ScotMoves receives calf registration details from CTS, ScotMoves will automatically make an initial allocation of the calf to be on the holding along with its mother*. This is the case whether the mother is on the main holding or an additional holding.
Following ScotMoves initial allocation of a newly registered calf, when mother and her calf are moved to another holding on ScotMoves, you must also record the movement of the calf. ScotMoves does not automatically record the movement of a calf when it's mother is moved.

* If a calf is no longer with its mother when the CTS registration is made, e.g. a separated twin, on ScotMoves you must allocate the calf to its actual holding if different from its mother’s holding.

16/02/2017: ScotMoves launch and early statistics

ScotMoves was successfully launched on the 1st January with full help-desk support. Over 2,600 cattle keepers have since registered their main holdings along with the additional holdings they are using to keep cattle. Since going live, ScotMoves have recorded over 70,000 cattle movements between within-business holdings and the number of movements is currently around 10,000 per week. This number is expected to rise significantly in the spring time when cattle begin moving out of their winter accommodation. The new system is a success in terms of knowing centrally where all Scottish cattle currently are, which will aid disease control, disease eradication and public health.

28/12/2016: ScotMoves Registration

If you currently have cattle on linked holdings (or will have on the 1st January 2017) and you have not yet returned your ScotMoves Application Form, you must do so immediately. If you did not receive a form from ScotEID, please click on the link to download a form, then complete and post, fax, or scan and email back to ScotEID. ScotMoves will be available online from the 1st January to those that have registered.

ScotEID will be open on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of January 2017.

12/12/2016: Sheep and goat Inventory and December Survey

All sheep & goat keepers should have received an Inventory or Survey either by email or in the post, please complete, as soon as possible. The best way to do this is online. The link and password are in your email or printed on your form. If you are a sheep or goat keeper but haven’t received a form, please check your emails. Otherwise please contact the Scottish Government at 0300 244 9725 (ScotEID cannot issue the emails or the forms).

More information is available at www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Agriculture-Fisheries/Publications/SGAI-DAS