03/10/2022: Autumn reminders from the Help Team
1. Off to the Sales - For cattle booked into the sales, please check their ear tags, movement histories and statuses (eg BVD, SPECC) and their passports well in advance of the sale, to allow time if amendments or re-issues are required. Same applies for private sales and abattoirs. Outwith the peak Spring calving period, passports print on Mondays and Thursdays.
2. Returning home from grazings - Please check you have recorded your 'within business' cattle movements if you use additional holdings to your main holding. Same applies for animals heading away for over-wintering. Please record their moves as within business moves to the CPH of the winter housing.
3. Post in passports - Please post in the passports for cattle that have died on farm or are missing, presumed dead. Providing the information you have, date of death or last seen, written on the passport.
Thank you from the Help Team - 01466 794323